Well I have been really bad about not taking any pictures lately and I feel I can't add a post without a picture. I got a call from my sister saying I needed to update my blog...pictures or no pictures. So here is my update.
Hunter had his follow up doctor's visit and the doctor says it looks good and that he will be 100% in a week or 2 and the best thing is we don't have to go back.
We have had some busy weeks in August. We had Eric's brothers Keith wedding and all the family things to do before and after the wedding. We had baby showers to attend and church
activies to go to. Eric made a video for our youth video and he got 1st place out of all 10 wards, so that was super cool for him( I'm glad he won because it took him about 40 hours to film, edit and all the things you need to do to make a 5 minute video)
We are trying to plan a camping trip the weekend after labor day so we don't have to deal with all the crowds so I hope it happens.
I'm also watching a good friend of mine baby 2 days a week while she goes back to work. Which Hunter LOVES. He is the best helper I could ask for. He has such a watchful eye for her. If she
cry's he says "mommy hold her."
School is back in so I guess summer is over. But the best thing about living in So Cal is it's always summer here. Lucky for us!!