We went camping over Labor Day weekend up at Mataguay Boy Scout Camp. It was a Gemmell family outing...those who came were Brian, Lyndsey, Jack, Elliott, Scarlet, Keith, Shannon, Camden, Matt, Alec, Becky, Eric, Tami, Hunter, Cole and Saige. We had such a good time we want to do it again next month...at a different location:)

Hunter at the entrance of the Mataguay Ranch

Our campsite

There was a lot of dirt there and Cole collected most of it on himself.

He took those 2 cars every where we went...they had a good time too.

Doritos always taste better while camping.

The 2 campers...notice Cole is missing a shoe, he was tired of all the dirt is his shoe so he went barefoot.

The Master scout...he set up everything and took everything down. I love that man!!!