Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Eric turned 28 yesterday. Hunter and I surprised him at work with subway sandwiches for lunch. Then Hunter and I made him a cake. We couldn't find any cake candles so we had to use the big white taper ones. Which was fun for Hunter. Eric and I are going out tonight to celebrate his birthday!

Candles in


Singing "Happy Birthday"

Blowing out the candles


Eric and Hunter had a Father/Son outing. They traveled over to Lowes to get a few things for Eric's smoke bomb fixin's and while there Hunter discovered a little plant that he could grow all by himself. So he brought it home planted the seeds and watered it once. He would look at it each day to see if it "growed" He started to notice the little sprouts and was so excited. Then we went away for a few days and when we came back they had "growed, lots and lots" Hunter is so proud of his's now big enough to move to a bigger pot outside.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Fun pics

Caught on the counter again...he could've at least done the dishes.
Trampline helps with the lift off flight for superman.

Eric's red soccer socks are perfect for superman boots.

Brodie, Keith and Shannon's dog and Hunter's best friend. We love to take care of him when Keith and Shannon aren't home. Hunter askes each day..."should we go get Brodie"