We had a wonderful week with our cousins Ryan and Abby and Hunters Aunties Anna and Shelly. The weather held out to be fairly good. The sun did shine each day with coulds always around. We did get a big rain strom which Ryan got caught in, trying to help take things to the car and it poured rain on him. But he was tough and laughed about it.
Here is a list of things we did.
*Wild Animal Park(see photos)
*Beach (even played in the water)
*Walked the Pier and had lunch a Ruby's(a tradition for when they come down)
*Went to Ty Miller's basketball game and screamed really loud "Go Ty" & "Defense" and "RBV". The kids had a blast. Abby did fall asleep but she didn't get a nap that day.
*Watched movies(see photo)
*Had a birthday party for Hunter at Grandma & Grandpa Gemmell's house(refer to photos from last post)
We'll when we dropped them off at the airport for them to head home Hunter was asleep and when he woke up on our way back down to Vista he asked me mommy "abby, ryry where'd tay go?"
I had to tell him for a few days(he would ask several times a day) That they had to go home. Finally after the few days were over he said to me..."Mommy abby, ryry go bye bye...home."
He sure loves his cousins.
Wish we could see them more often.